Monday 30 April 2018

How to DIY a Rainforest Biome

We have been learning about biomes, via videos and books, now it was time for a project. With my husband's difficult shift working late into the night, and life in Saudi doesn't permit that women drive (not that I'm complaining), we are always pushed to get our errands done on the weekend which I would rather spend as a family day out. But instead I dragged the family shopping, which is the last place they want to be. It's a huge store that sells everything you need for your home we expats know it as "kulli shay" stores, which translates as "everything" a store that sells everything, FYI they are my favorite places to shop I could spend hours, which I did haha. I stocked up on supplies for the biome project of plain gift boxes, artificial leaves and flowers, minature animals, cotton wool, string and sand, glue and so on.

Rainforest Biome

kids went a tad wild with the snakes 
For the rainforest biome, I thought I would spruce it up a bit and go venturing into our local park to collect things for their project, like twigs for mini trees, leaves, plants and pebbles and stones anything they thought would be of use. They had a bag each and got collecting. We returned home to make a start, first I layered the inside of the box with green paper for the forest floor, and cut out paper leaves for the kids to decorate the outside of the box to give it that overgrown feel. Then we used sticks and twig for the trees, then wrapping artificial  vine leaves around them. Kids painted rope string green and brown to represent the draping vines and we randomly placed stones and rocks on the forest floor. Then kids had fun with the forest animals in particular the snakes as you can tell. The only thing we we left out was the waterfall which we will add in later.

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