Tuesday 20 March 2018

DIY Landforms and Bodies of Water

Discovering more about our planet engages the child to want to know more about their surroundings and where they live, my children are fascinated with the world around them and I wanted to teach them more about our beautiful planet, that our Creator made for us. Continuing with our Geography Unit, after learning about the Seven Continents, we started our next project of learning about Land forms and bodies of water that are naturally occurring on the Earth.

We used three part cards with real images of land and water forms with their labels, which you can find here to introduce this topic and explained the different names and features of each land and water form. And then began our arts and crafts to match each photo.

The materials needed for this land and water form craft are;

  1. Foam sheets (1cm thick) - cut to into 10 squares 7cm x7cm
  2. Blue corrugated card - to be cut out and used for the body of water
  3. Golden yellow Sand - to be used for the land form
  4.  PVA glue and paint brush
  5. Scissors

First, draw and cut to size the blue corrugated card into the different bodies of water. You can use these three-part-cards of illustrations and labels as your template
Second, generously paste glue all over the square foam sheet do one at a time. Then position the blue card on top of it and sprinkle the golden yellow sand.

Make sure to use a sheet to catch the sand that falls.
Lastly put them on a flat surface to let them dry and voila, all finished!!

I hope you enjoyed this easy DIY with your children as much as I enjoyed it with mine. Making happy homeschooling memories as you learn together.

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