Tuesday 1 May 2018

How to DIY Layers or the Ocean Project

Layers of the Ocean Project
Getting a bit artsy and crafty we decided to do something as part of our geography unit. I combined this project to teach the marine biome and layers of the ocean and create a beautiful painting for our classroom.

Here's how we did it.
We took an old unused canvas, painted it in five shades of blue, to represent the five layers of the ocean. Waited for it to dry and repainted it to get a better finish. The five layers of the ocean are;

  1. The sunlight zone
  2. The twilight zone
  3. The midnight zone
  4. The abyss
  5. The trench 
Then gathered the materials for the next stage of building a textured surface to rocky layer. Here I used sandwich paper, PVA glue, paint brushes, brown paint and a large container. But you can use any material as you would use for paper mache. 

We poured PVA glue brown paint and a little water to make a mixture for the paper mache. Dipped and wetted the paper into the mixture than I shape it on to the canvas and kids were able to build more paper mache onto that area to give the desired look. We let this dry out and harden in the hot Riyadh sun which took 30 minutes, then the kids painted over it in a darker brown with a sponge brush to give a more realistic effect. 

Our final step was to put stickers of the ocean creatures onto the corrects layers. 

DD5 had fun placing the stickers onto the canvas, the two orcas are swimming up for air, and the seagull is diving into the sea to catch its dinner. I think if I had net enough handwriting I would label each layer in some fancy writing so DD can refer back to it and remember the names. 

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