Wednesday 2 May 2018

Student aid For Madina Arabic

The student aid for Madina Arabic by Umm Sumayyah Quan

The Student Aid for Arabic grammar should be used alongside the well-known Madinah Arabic Course Book 1 authored by Dr V.Abdur Rahim, 2007 copy. 

Arabic grammar is my secret love, I say love because it takes me to a happy place where I feel like I'm in my element and would spend hours studying the science of the Arabic Language, the language is so rich and meaningful, it is a truly beautiful language. 

For those studying or struggling with the Arabic language using the famous books by Dr V. Abdur Rahim's Madinah, will find that this student aid and an excellent resource to guide you through this book. I'm happy that I was able to compile this book for the learner beginning their quest to gain a deeper understanding of the Arabic language. Explaining grammar terms and concepts using colorful visual aids, charts and tables helping the learner to make sense of the beauty of the Arabic language, and for the learner to progress on to the next level confidently.

The Student Aid also can be a valuable resource to for teachers, using the well explained methods in the book as a guide for their students.

Click to get My Book on Kindle amazon store


  1. Thanks for sharing such an informative blog. Yes, it's true everyone would love to learn new languages. But it is only possible when you have the best resource to Learn Arabic so If you want to learn the Arabic language then purchase Arabic Grammar by The Olivia & Hill Press.
